Hosted by Northern Piedmont Community Foundation, Give Local Piedmont (GLP) is an online giving opportunity to support nonprofit organizations that are making communities in our region stronger. We are tremendously grateful to the donors who supported the clinic during this year’s campaign – thank you!
Give Local Piedmont gifts help to support our mission to offer medical care for low-income adults who don’t have health insurance. Everyone should be able to see a doctor when they are sick or have a health issue – like new patient Jack, whose visit to the clinic for a skin concern led to treatment for a previously undiagnosed melanoma. With regular medical care, Free Clinic patients stay healthier.
Without the support of community members like you, people who rely on the clinic would not have access to medical care. That would lead to more life threatening illnesses and higher medical costs due to increased unnecessary emergency room visits.
Community members also count on the clinic when facing challenges such as job losses and resulting loss of health insurance. Economic uncertainties translate to greater struggles for already vulnerable community members. A patient facing a job loss and medical challenges said, “The staff gave me compassion and support and helped me start moving forward again.”
Some patients, like Maria, may suffer a devastating personal loss and rely on clinic services to maintain their health (read Maria’s story). When facing life’s challenges, our patients know that Free Clinic services are one thing that can be relied upon, thanks to the generosity of our donors.
In addition to our diagnostic, treatment and preventative services we have offered patients COVID testing and vaccinations in partnership with Remington Drug Company and the Rappahannock-Rapidan Department of Health. HIV & Hepatitis C testing has been made available through FAHASS. We value our connections with groups such as Mom2Mom for offering our patients personal hygiene and baby care products, and the Minority and Veteran Farmers of the Piedmont and Virginia Cooperative Extension that generously bring fresh vegetables for our patients and neighbors to enjoy. This year, we again look forward to welcoming patients to our monthly health and wellness seminars that were launched in 2021.
Your gift during Give Local Piedmont directly supports these community health services.
Again, our heartfelt thanks to you – together we are building a stronger community!